Monday, November 13, 2006

It's Like, Yeah Motherfucker!

It's Like, Yeah Motherfucker!

It's ridiculous how everyone in l.a. knows each other. I bump into someone i haven't seen for years walking through culver city in the middle of the night, then two days later see him on my internet it girl's weblog chowing with some other friends I've met around the city and had no idea knew each other! It's pretty cool... i guess they're all jewish, so there's that.

So my room hasn't looked like this forever, but it's a fun pic. Keith Haring, Robbie Conal, BEBE Bus Stop Poster, THE OC Season 2 Premiere poster (that was an incredible story for another time!)... A Power Mac G5 (connected to a La Cie Electron 22 and a Sony WEGA monitor), Macintosh II SI, Macintosh SE/30, and just out of frame a Powerbook Pismo and a Powerbook G4 (now a Mac Book Pro Core 2 Duo).... some polaroids, and of course Teagan.

I love Teagan. She reminds me a lil of my good friend, and of a young un-white-trash Britney Spears. As for the reflection not matching the television, well that's just how I roll! It's funny how time unravels things. Who would have thought that only a few years after American Pie - kinda the start of something new for me and for a lot of people i know - Allison Hannigan would be retarded sexy and Tara Reid would be a deformed cunt!?

2 Live Crew tomorrow night at Cinespace! Be there!


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