It's My Dick In A Box!
If you wanna see the Before pictures of my Sunday night, you can check out the cobra snake... fortunately there are no After photos, but if you know me you can only imagine. The three funniest things said about me in the seventy two hours are:
- Nigga! You ain't no fuckin' mexican! You ain't no mo' fuckin' mexican than you is a nigga!
- {in your most surprised but diffident voice} Steve, you're a handful when you drink!
- Dude! You're hot! Be the Colin Firth, or the Hugh Grant, or that cute little kid! Don't be the sad guy crying about Keira!
To me, christmas never meant anything before Hilary Duff's Santa Claus Lane, and LOVE Actually. I put together a nouveau christmas mix this year for some friends, so if you want it, you know where to find me! Otherwise, enjoy the holiday, whatever it means to you... to me it means roller coasters and missing loved ones. Cheers!
Oh lord. I just went to the cobra snake and saw my new roommate featured as a main photo for a party. I guess this could be considered a good thing.
Also: I'm your next date to one of these things.
Anonymous, at 11:36 AM, December 21, 2006
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